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Activity Title

Basic Fitness Exercise Concepts- Specific Task, Body Weight Squat


Curriculum Area

Instructional Media & Technology


Target Audience

Former Service members (Veterans)


Description of Learners


Three generations exist in the Veteran Population 1) World War II, 2) Vietnam War, and 3) War in the Middle East.  Average fitness skills are assumed.




The lesson is developed for a face to face setting.  Content will be delivered verbally, through a power point presentation and live demonstration.  Additional reinforcement of proper technique and timing can be accessed online through an

Exercise library. Practice sessions will be held at the Fitness & Exercise facility.

Certified Fitness Trainers will work individually to help Veterans complete the exercise and reinforce concepts.

Description of Lesson


The specific Fitness Exercise Lesson to be taught to will be the FitCube Tabata Technique.  The FitCube Tabata Technique is a Low Impact version of a similar technique taught by Izumi Tabata, dean of the Ritsumeikan University Graduate School of Sport and Health Science. As an example of this Hi Intensity Low Impact Interval Training (HI-LIIT) the Body Weight Squat will be demonstrated, utilizing Gagne’s Events of Instruction to help sequence activities.





Terminal Objective:  As a result of participating in the Session, 22 Veterans will Learn and Perform the FitCube Tabata Style Body Weight Squats.  Each step will be performed in sequence and according to criteria for each step. Sequence of Activity Instructions for the Body Weight Squat.


  1. Beginning with a wide stance, Let your body shift back into your heels

  2. Set your hips back, Keep your knees as far back from your toes as possible

  3. Keep your Chest up and back held in Neutral position or with a slight arch.

  4. Prevention and Risk Management caveats are also provided by prevention of collapsing forward as you perform the Squat by making sure toes, knees and hips are all in line (as you Squat back, keep a nice line in that direction).

  5. Finally, the actual procedure is as follows, (a) Extend your arms straight out in front of you with your palms down, (b) Keep your feet flat on the floor, a little wider than your shoulders, (c) Squat, (d) Exhale breath when returning to the initial position. Timing of Events will be 10 seconds of Warm up Activity Squats (approximately 10 squats), followed up by 10 seconds of High Intensity Squats (approximately 20 squats).




This instruction will meet  Population Health Standards which includes adequate exercise which for most healthy adults, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends exercise guidelines, (a) Aerobic activity, at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes a week of vigorous aerobic activity, and (b) Strength training at least twice a week.




  • Develop Outline and script for Exercise Instruction

  • Develop power point presentation

  • Develop Evaluation Rubric



Technology Tools and Resources:



  • Participant internet access

  • The Fitness Plan Coordinator will make an exercise video

library accessible to Veterans participants


Technology Competencies


(Facilitator) Technology skills needed include:

  1. Basic computer skills

  2. Basic knowledge of MS Word/Powerpoint

  3. Basic knowledge of online training library application


(Participants) Technology skills needed include:

  1. Basic knowledge of Powerpoint

  2. Basic knowledge of how to connect to the internet to access

online training module if extra practice is desired.




Learner achievement will be based on observable evaluations listed in the Lesson Plan Module.  Successful completion of module will allow the participant to earn a Certificate of Completion of the Unit of Instruction, specifically, the FitCube Tabata Style Exercise Lesson Module for the Fitness Behavior Modification Plan.

An anonymous survey will be given at the end of the module to provide summative feedback on the instructional effectiveness.

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